Friday, 8 February 2013


Valencian cuisine is a Mediterranean cuisine as cooked in the Valencian Country. Its basic ingredients are vegetables, seafood and meat. It is famous worldwide for its rices, such as paella, and its fruits. 

The Valencian gastronomy is of great variety, although their more international dishes are rice based, like the worldwide known Valencian paella. The rice is a basic ingredient in many of the typical dishes, like the "arròs (rice) a banda", the "arròs a la pedra", "arròs negre", "arròs amb crosta", "arròs caldós", among many. 

 Orxata and Torró 


Orxata is the name for several kinds of traditional beverages, made of tigernuts (xufes) or rice. 

Torró (Catalan), turrón (Spanish), is a nougat confection, typically made of honey, sugar, and egg white, with toasted almonds or other nuts

Source of text and images: Internet.