Sunday, 5 May 2013


The institute "La Melvahas a new profile on Twitter. Would follow him?
The latest news, the latest info on the Comenius. All activities on Twitter!!!


Thursday, 2 May 2013


"Moros i Cristians" (in catalan) or "Moros y Cristianos" (in spanish) , literally means Moors and Christians, and is a set of festival activities which are celebrated in many towns and cities of the Valencia Country (like in Elda); according to popular tradition the festivals commemorate the battles, combats and fights between Moors (or Muslims) and Christians during the period known as Reconquesta (from the 8th century through the 15th century). 

Source of text:
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Thursday, 21 March 2013


Two teachers and nine students from IES THE MELVA traveled between 10 and 15 March to Bulgaria, city of Sofia, which held the second meeting of schools involved in the Comenius project called "European Detective Stories" funded by the European Social Fund.

The project involves six schools in Germany, Denmark, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey, along with IES THE MELVA. They are students of different nationalities know the culture of other countries through a detective novel, share experiences and practice languages. Over two academic years will be three trips with students from all these countries and two more meetings of teachers and, to complete the project, all schools will meet in Elda.

Friday, 8 February 2013


Valencian cuisine is a Mediterranean cuisine as cooked in the Valencian Country. Its basic ingredients are vegetables, seafood and meat. It is famous worldwide for its rices, such as paella, and its fruits. 

The Valencian gastronomy is of great variety, although their more international dishes are rice based, like the worldwide known Valencian paella. The rice is a basic ingredient in many of the typical dishes, like the "arròs (rice) a banda", the "arròs a la pedra", "arròs negre", "arròs amb crosta", "arròs caldós", among many. 

 Orxata and Torró 


Orxata is the name for several kinds of traditional beverages, made of tigernuts (xufes) or rice. 

Torró (Catalan), turrón (Spanish), is a nougat confection, typically made of honey, sugar, and egg white, with toasted almonds or other nuts

Source of text and images: Internet.

Thursday, 10 January 2013



 The general characteristics of the Gothic novel in Spain

In Spain is the source of crime fiction with a novel written in Catalan by Rafael Tasis (1906-1966) entitled A crim to Parallel (1960), a thriller that explodes Reef inteligentmente the cabarets of the city of Barcelona in the 30s, with the role of the curator and journalist Vilagut Caldes.Thus, the thriller in Spain appears strongly and widely in the postwar black Francoist repression portraying climate and prevailing moral corruption. Catalonia is a land of great writers of detective novels in both Castilian and Catalan, it must not be a coincidence, as this type this type of novel develops its arguments in urban areas in large cities. In the case of Spain, Barcelona is one of the main stages of many crime novels that portray both the oppressive environment of the cells of the civil and police guard Franco, as the world of wheeling and dealing, smuggling, and daring breakout Barcelona Parallel cabarets. The Spanish thriller is, therefore, a mixture of detective story with social commentary. Describe conflicts, crime, violence and sex in a corrupt society, leaving aside politics and ideology changing and despite repression.In Spanish, authors like Thomas Salvador and Fernando Martinez Lainez are considered the pioneers of this genre, but this famous novel titled Meat barter, which was released in 1977. Other prominent authors from this period are Manuel Vasquez-Montalban (series opened with Tattoo Carvalho 1977), Eduardo Mendoza and Manuel de Pedrolo.Later, in the eighties, with new socio-political conditions, you exceed these baseline characteristics conditioned by the Franco regime and evolving thriller portraying modern social aspects. In these years, there is a boom in production genre novel itself, which also covers the erotic and to a lesser degree, science fiction, mythical fantasy, humor and terror. A great crime novelist of this period is Ferran Torrent Valencia, which portrays social and political corruption with touches of humor. It is in this second period where we place the work of Elia Barceló has written numerous works of science fiction and fantasy. And the novel opens in black with Long Shadows (2009).The plot of this genre aspects are related to fear, violence, injustice, insecurity and corruption. Common is the appearance of the characters in places where prevailing political and moral corruption. The crime occurs in degraded environments where most frequently committed crime and the resolution is not a primary objective, but not explicit elucidation of moral motivation, since the characters often cross the barrier between good and evil. Often, the motivation of the crime due to some human weakness: anger, lust for power, envy, hatred, greed, lust, etc. Stylistically, the dialogues show crude language, often street, gives more importance to the development of the action that crime analysis, description and sometimes impressionistic naturalist society and there is a reflection, sometimes not explicit, the ethical deterioration.

By: Oreto Doménech & Corpus Requena 

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