COMENIUS 2012-2013
Students who participate have to suggest the title of a crime novel or black whose plot takes place in Spain.
The novel is to serve as an instrument to show the Spanish culture (customs, cuisine, art ...) to other participating European countries.
Each student participant will find a work in line with these characteristics and make a summary sheet as follows:
Listing chosen work
1. Site Details
1.1. Author:
1.2. Title:
1.3. Editorial:
1.4. Year of publication:
1.5. Brief summary of the work (at least 15 lines, up to 25 or 30 lines, double-spaced, font: Times New Roman, font size 12).
Students who participate have to suggest the title of a crime novel or black whose plot takes place in Spain.
The novel is to serve as an instrument to show the Spanish culture (customs, cuisine, art ...) to other participating European countries.
Each student participant will find a work in line with these characteristics and make a summary sheet as follows:
Listing chosen work
1. Site Details
1.1. Author:
1.2. Title:
1.3. Editorial:
1.4. Year of publication:
1.5. Brief summary of the work (at least 15 lines, up to 25 or 30 lines, double-spaced, font: Times New Roman, font size 12).
2. Student Information
2.1. Name and surname.
2.2. Course to which it belongs.
All these data will be sent in an email, before Sunday October 15, through a kind word attachment (. Doc) or similar to the following address:
melva.comenius @
In the "SUBJECT" will only mail the name of the student / group you belong to and.